the ultimate memecoin for all the Rubber Duckers out there! The dogs have barked, and now it's time for the duckers to soar.

quack! quack!

BUY $DUCKER’s Official Crypto Token

Make sure to have Ethereum in your Wallet to purchase $DUCKER.

Click ‘Connect Wallet’ in the Swap below to swap your ETH for $DUCKER coins.

If you do not have a wallet and need help making one, go to our “How To Buy” section.

Use this Swap Widget to Swap $ETH to $DUCKER

$Ducker, the ultimate meme coin, is not just another spin-off, it’s a coin that builds its own culture. Bringing together all of us in this crypto world. Uniting Meme Enthusiast’s ducker aims to create an enjoyable community that floats above the rest.

In the rubber ducker we trust, and together the team will work with the community to forge a rock solid foundation that has not been seen before . Join the ultimate meme community and ride the wave of our thriving crypto paradise.



We listen to our community on social media and Telegram for feedback and updates



Transparent financial, marketing, and development reports are shared regularly



High-quality resources are allocated to ensure the best possible outcome for the project

Check Out our Yellow Paper!



Our dedicated team is fully committed to Rubber Ducker’s long-term success

quack! quack!

Create a Wallet

You can obtain Metamask or any other wallet app for free from the app store or Google Play store. If you are using a desktop computer, you can download the Google Chrome extension by visiting

have ETH in your wallet to switch to $DUCKER. If you don’t have any ETH, you can buy directly on metamask, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

Get some ETH

Go to Uniswap

In order to switch to $DUCKER, you need to have ETH available in your wallet. If you don't already have ETH you can buy ETH directly on Metamask, transfer it from another wallet, or purchase it on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

Swap ETH for $DUCKER

Use $DUCKER’s Token Address when switching ETH for $DUCKER. Please note that there is a ZERO tax applied to all transactions. During times of high market volatility you may need to use a +3% slippage to ensure that your transaction goes through at the best possible price.

Note: DUCKER’s official Token Contract Address is 0xf70ce9ee486106882d3dc43ddbd84e0fa71ac2a5

Copy and Paste that Token Contract address in Uniswap to Swap/Trade ETH to $DUCKER

You Can Now BUY $DUCKER directly on our Website. Using our newly added Swap.

Click here to BUY $DUCKER directly on our Website.

Total Tax = 0%

Total Supply:


Max Wallet (2%):


Max Transaction (2%):

